Colour Analysis Consultation

Color analysis is a wonderful way to discover your season and determine which colors can truly enhance your image. Our conversation won’t focus on simply “good colors vs bad colors,” but will dig deeper into how colors make you feel and how we can incorporate shades you love, even if they’re not part of your season’s palette.

🌸 show up clean, and showered
🌸 no makeup, no fake tan, etc
🌸 bring a picture of yourself when you were a child and other photos with different hair colours/styles (if applicable)
🌸 bring your favourite makeup pieces and pictures of your favourite clothes

What we will do:
🌻 we will get to know each other, understand what brings you here, your favourite colours, and what emotions these colours give you
🌻 you will try on different colours of drapes to see how they react on your skin
🌻 we will assess your facial features to identify Yin and Yang on your face and understand the best textures and shapes to enhance your looks
🌻 I will coach you to ensure you will be able to identify your colours independently
🌻 you will try on different (sanitised) lipsticks to see how they react on your skin (if applicable)
🌻 you will receive personalised advice and a basic file regarding your season. You will also be allowed to record the session and take notes

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