Will my season change if I’m tanned?

No, your season will always be the same. You may feel more comfortable to use brighter colours of your own palette while you’re tanned, but they would be colours that would look good on you regardless of your skin. 😊

Will my season change with age?

You might get more neutral/softer but you won’t change drastically. So, for example, if you are a “deep autumn” in your 20s, you might get closer to a “deep winter” or a “soft deep autumn” in your 60s. 😍

Can my style/yin&yang change if I gain/lose weight?

No, your style and yin&yang will remain the same regardless. 😊
If, for example, you have a big percentage of “yin” you will always have it, no matter how your body will change. Your style depends on your structure and body shape, and that is always the same regardless of your weight. There might be ways to enhance certain features based on the changes in your body but they will always be in line with your own personal style. 😍

Can I use makeup, clothes, and accessories different from the ones assigned to my season/style?

Yes of course, seasons and style aren’t a cage, they are guidelines but you are free to dress as you prefer! My job is to help you combine what you like with what suits your season and style! 😊

Why isn’t summer a “warm” season?

This is a really good question! And the reason why summer is not considered warm is that the colours belonging to the summer palette have a cold undertone. πŸ˜ƒ

I don’t like the colors of my season. How can I change it and ensure my favorite colors will fit me?

Your season should not be a cage but a tool to help you make more conscious choices around your makeup, clothing, and accessories. πŸ’œ You may even learn to love colors that you thought you didn’t like, while you simply didn’t know how to use them 😊

However, it’s not unusual to want to look different. This is possible by working on the β€œcreation of a character”.

Think about Dita Von Tease or Eva Green. Dita is a Light Spring and Eva is a Soft Deep Summer but with the help of their style and body shape, as well as the vibe they want to give, they managed to create a character with colors that are different than the ones of their palette. Pretty cool, right? 😍

I want to share the content of my consultations with my family and friends. Is it possible?

Of course, you can tell your friends and family about the results of the analysis, and show them what you got. What we wouldn’t want is to see our content used for lucrative purposes and unfortunately in our field, it is very common to “steal” content without quoting the source. 😞
The content is protected by copyright and should not be shared with anyone for lucrative purposes. Do not share personalised content on any sort of social media. If you wish to quote something from my public content instead, it is possible however please always mention me as the source. πŸ’œ You are going shopping and you want to say that you used my advice? Please go ahead and share it with the world! I love that! I just don’t want that specific content from a private personalised file that I may have created for you to become public.
I have put a lot of work into creating material tailored to your needs, I keep myself up to date in order to offer the best experience to my customers. It’s really important that our work out there is valued, so I kindly ask you not to share any personalised material and to always quote the source when referring to my content. 😊

Are you going to take pictures of me? And will you post them on your website and social media?

All pictures asked prior to the consultation will be used exclusively for the scope of the consultations and will be deleted immediately afterwards.
If you want to be featured in my portfolio or social media I will take pictures of you and upload them exclusively with your consent and I will remove them if you change your mind. πŸ’œ

Can you give me a discount?

Unfortunately not. It takes a lot of time, energy and additional costs in order to give you a good experience and my prices are there to cover that. Discounts will be available only if there is an active promotion. πŸ€—

Why do you only offer colour analysis at your place or online?

For the best possible color analysis experience, I have a variety of equipment, including drapes, palettes, lipsticks, and more. These tools are essential to provide accurate and personalized results. However, they are quite heavy and not easily portable, which is why I conduct the sessions at my home or online.

Another important factor is the lighting. I have good natural light in my space to ensure optimal conditions for the analysis. This ensures that we can accurately assess how different colors interact with your complexion and achieve the desired outcome.

By conducting color analysis in a controlled environment, I can guarantee a high-quality and enjoyable experience for my clients. Whether it’s in-person at my home or through an online consultation, I am committed to providing you with the best results.

Can I pay you after the consultation?

Unfortunately not. The full amount needs to be paid prior to the consultation.

Why are the prices for personalised files so high?

Because it takes a lot of work to prepare one of those files: not only the time of the consultation but also writing, editing, implementing the graphic, reviewing, and proofreading. I don’t mind if you take notes during the consultation, I give the option to people to do that because I understand that the personalised files can be pricey. πŸ€—

Can I take pictures, write notes and/or record our consultation?

Yes absolutely! I understand that buying a personalised file can be expensive this is why I will always allow you to take notes and record our consultation. I only ask you not to share those notes or recordings in public channels such as social media, websites, and other communication channels. ☺️

Can I follow up with you if I have additional questions after my consultation?

Yes, absolutely! Feel free to reach out and send me pictures of makeup or clothes you buy if you want quick advice. You can DM me on Instagram or other channels we agreed on. However, if you reach out more than 3 times you should book a follow-up coaching session where you can gather all your questions and we can clarify them together. 😊

Where are you located?

I’m located in a central area of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I do not advertise my exact location publicly for safety reasons but it’s very easy to reach and I will communicate it to you during the booking.

In what languages do you offer consultations?

English and Italian would be my primary and preferred languages. I’m also fluent in Spanish but I haven’t done a consultation in Spanish yet!

Does the cost of the personal shopping session include the cost of the items I buy?

No, it doesn’t. Transportation and additional items won’t be covered in that amount and must be paid separately.

Can I buy a Full-Experience package or more services at once but do them on separate days?

Yes, you can. However, the full amount needs to be paid in advance, and for every time I travel, you will need to cover the costs of my transportation.

Is the online consultation less accurate than the in-person one?

No, it’s exactly the same. However, you need to make sure you have good natural light, a good quality camera, and a strong internet connection. If all these parameters are met there won’t be any differences 😊

What are the pros and cons of an online consultation?

🌸 If you use your own clothes and makeup we can already assess whether items you already possess match your season or not! This is a great way to combine a mini “wardrobe assessment” and a consultation together, both for Yin and Yang and Colour Analysis!
🌸 You can be in the comfort of your home and don’t need to travel (or cover my travel expenses in case I need to travel to you).
🌸 It’s a more accessible and inclusive way to perform consultations for people that don’t have the possibility to travel (mobility issues, mental health, other conditions, or even too busy schedules).
🌸 It’s easier for you to record or transcribe the video call using online tools (and save money on a personalised file).
🌸 It’s more environmentally friendly!
❌ If you don’t have a wide variety of clothes or fabrics you may need to borrow from others and it may be more challenging but not impossible!
❌ If you like the in-person connection and you’re not used to online communication it might be a bit weird at the start, but I promise I will make sure you will feel safe and comfortable during our chat. πŸ’œ
❌ If you don’t have a strong internet connection, a good camera, and access to good natural light it might be difficult, but in that case, I will let you know. (For example, a modern smartphone camera and at least a 4G internet connection should be enough! And for natural light, outside your balcony on a clear day or in a well-lit room of your home πŸ’œ)
❌ You don’t get to be gracefully ignored by my cute cats! 😻

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