Personal Shopping Session [in person only]

different clothes on racks

You can book this service only after doing both Colour Analysis and Yin & Yang. Knowing your season and personal style is important to make the most out of this consultation.
Do you want to go shopping for new outfits but wish you had someone by your side to help you make the best decisions for you?
Or perhaps the thought of shopping for new clothes feels overwhelming, and you’re seeking someone who can provide support, making the experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. Then a personal shopping session can be a good option for you.

This service is available in Rotterdam for 100 euro per hour. If you want to have a personal shopping session outside Rotterdam centrum, the situation will be considered case by case and if we agree on proceeding, new prices will be calculated based on distance and my travel costs will be added to the final price.

It’s also important to mention that the expenses related to the items you choose to purchase are not included in the session price.

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